» Weather in London «

Current conditions, last updated today at 12:58:

· Now:
Sunny and light winds
Feels like 17°C
Light winds from the east

Forecast conditions:

· :

High: 17°C
Low: 7°C
Sunny and a gentle breeze
13 km/h easterly wind

· :

High: 15°C
Low: 6°C
Sunny intervals and a gentle breeze
13 km/h north easterly wind

· :

High: 9°C
Low: 1°C
Light cloud and a gentle breeze
14 km/h northerly wind

· :

High: 9°C
Low: 2°C
Sunny intervals and light winds
8 km/h northerly wind

· :

High: 9°C
Low: 2°C
Light cloud and a gentle breeze
16 km/h north easterly wind

· :

High: 9°C
Low: 2°C
Sunny intervals and a gentle breeze
17 km/h north easterly wind

· :

High: 9°C
Low: 2°C
Drizzle and a gentle breeze
16 km/h north easterly wind

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