Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2022:

This month started off with full time house packing and getting everything boxed up. I did have to head into town on the 2nd into Vauxhall to meet Kota and Fergus for lunch at The Black Dog pub which was good. And then on the 4th, which was moving day, we had the removers in at 07:30, cleaners in at 09:00 and all done by 11:00 which was insanely quick - the entire house packed up and cleaned and ready to move out before midday! After grabbing a snack from the shops, we left Peckham and made our way down to Brighton. After picking up the keys from the agency, we got a few minutes walk around the house before the removers started to unpack and load everything in. We then briefly got our beds ready and took a walk down to the beach for a bit of a breather and to admire our new surroundings :)

February 2022 February 2022
February 2022 February 2022
February 2022 February 2022
February 2022 February 2022

The next few days were spent at home, unpacking, sorting, exploring and enjoying the new area, with a drive into Hove and Shoreham to familiarise ourselves with the neighbouring towns. The following weekend we headed out to Walton to visit Greg, Kim and the boys which was good to catch up with them again, especially after not having seen them for a while with all the house stuff going on.

February 2022 February 2022
February 2022 February 2022
February 2022 February 2022

On the 16th, Ellen had a settling-in day at her new nursery which she seems to enjoy - good to get her into a nursery setting again. After that, days were just around the local area, with lunch down at Carats Cafe, a visit from Laura, Dennis and the boys one afternoon and dinner out at La Tavola Italian restaurant.

February 2022 February 2022 February 2022

These past few days have been really cold, and it doesn't help having single glazed windows and door and window frames with gaps in them! Definitely something we'll be prioritising over the coming months to get the windows and doors upgraded to decent weather-appropriate replacements :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Southwick, England -