November started out with us heading out to the O2 Arena for a walk around there and a pub lunch at The Observatory. It was all very quiet, granted we were there at midday before any rush, but figured it would be best to get in and out while it was still quiet.
A few days later on the Thursday, Boris announced Lockdown 2.0 for a month, so rather glad we managed to get out for a pub lunch when we did. At least for this lockdown we're a lot more prepared than we were for the first lockdown - we're already all working from home, all our deliveries are online, we weren't and still aren't meeting anyone, so nothing really will change much for this lockdown for us I reckon.
The evening on the 5th we did have a small Bonfire / Fireworks night at home with a few sparklers and lighting the firepit, and Ellen seemed to quite enjoy the sparklers :)
That next weekend we headed into Tower Bridge for a walk around there and down to London Bridge and Hays Gallaria. On the Sunday we popped up to Nunhead Cemetery for a stroll through the "woods" with Ellen and the pooch.
The following weekend we decided to drive into Battersea Park for a walk around the park, which turned out to be a lot busier than we thought it would be, but still managed an enjoyable walk around there, despite the crowds and it being rather chilly. On the Sunday we just had a lazy day around the house and in the log cabin.
On the Monday morning we got a phone call from Monkey Puzzle to say they had had a positive Covid case amongst one the teachers, so unfortunately Ellen's class would have to shut for two weeks, which meant we suddenly had to change our working week plans.
The next weekend we did some Christmas tree decorating, popped up to Nunhead Cemetery for a walk and then headed into London to see the Christmas lights in town.
Even though we're in Lockdown 2.0 - we've managed to do a few things (within the rules) to not make it feel too much like lockdown... obviously still not seeing anyone in person or being socialable at all, those days will return but for now making it work as best we can :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -