It's now the end of October and it's certainly starting to feel like we're heading into winter now, with the mornings and evenings getting rather chilly and rather dark, especially after the clocks went back this past weekend. Earlier this month we had Greg and the boys up for a visit - Kim didn't come with as there's a limit to the number of people who can mix indoors, and even though we're sure it would've been fine, decided to stick to the rules best we could. Was good to see them again, and Ellen obviously enjoyed having them up for the day.
We also upgraded Ellen's bed from the cot to a new toddler bed, so that was a lot of excitement for her getting a new bigger bed :) On another weekend we visited Canary Wharf on the Saturday and then out to Stratford on the Sunday, which was probably a bit too busy for our liking so no doubt we'll probably not be heading back there anytime soon.
Last weekend we met up with Ava and her parents at St. Mary's Frobisher Park for a couple of hours to give Ellen and Ava some time together around the park. We also visited Nunhead Cemetery for a walk around the woods, did some pumpkin carving and decorated the house for Halloween :)
Even though we're not really seeing anyone and not actually doing anything socially, we're still making a good effort to get out and away when we can and break up the norm with weekend getaways which was been good.
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -