Posted on Monday, January 20, 2020:

On Saturday morning we headed down to Walton to pick up Mia, and obviously catch up with Greg, Kim and the boys too :) We stayed down there a couple of hours before heading back home, stopping off at the Ginger Pig in Clapham to pick up some steak for yesterday's braai. Then after getting home and dropping Mia, we made our way into Peckham, grabbed a cheeky Nando's for dinner and then headed on home.

Visit To Walton January 2020 Visit To Walton January 2020
Visit To Walton January 2020 Visit To Walton January 2020
Visit To Walton January 2020 Braai at Home January 2020
Ellen January 2020

Yesterday we spent the day at home and fired up the Weber for the first braai of the year, always good to get it in early and especially better considering the weather was nice and sunny... cold, but nice clear blue skies :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -