Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2019:

As couple of weeks ago on the Saturday we made our way down to Walton for the morning with Greg, Kim and the boys, followed by lunch there. We first met up with Greg and Ethan at the Esher Rugby Club to watch a bit of Ethan's football practise, then headed back to theirs for the morning and lunch later on. We then drove back over Ellen's nap and had the rest of the afternoon at home.

Ellen November 2019
Ellen November 2019 Ellen Ethan November 2019 Ellen November 2019
Ellen Ethan November 2019 Ellen Ethan Rory November 2019

On the Sunday we popped up to Nunhead Cemetery for a wander around there - giving pooch a good run around while Ellen missioned around looking for stones to collect and puddles to jump in :) Later that afternoon we stopped in at the Blackbird Bakery for some coffee and cake, but otherwise at home the rest of the day.

Ellen November 2019 Ellen November 2019
Ellen November 2019 Blackbird Bakery Peckham

Then this Saturday just gone by, after a visit to Telegraph Hill Playclub in the morning, we had the afternoon around the house and that evening, we had Shazell over to babysit Ellen while Uns and I had tickets to Jack Whitehall at the O2. We decided to first stop in at Peckham Cellars which had recently opened down the road for a pre-drink, and then head off to the O2 for Jack Whitehall, always a good night out!

Jack Whitehall Novemeber 2019 Jack Whitehall Novemeber 2019

Yesterday morning we decided we'd head into town for brunch around London Bridge. They were just starting to set up the Christmas Tree and decorations in Hay's Galleria, so after sometime there and Ellen running around, we decided on Cafe Rouge for a bite to eat.

Ellen November 2019 Ellen November 2019
Ellen November 2019

After brunch and a bit more walking around, we made our way back home for the rest of the afternoon.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -