Posted on Sunday, November 3, 2019:

On Thursday afternoon last week I finished up at WeShop, after 2 and a bit years there. With us all working from home for the past few weeks, there wasn't really an opportunity for any leaving drinks, but on Thursday, Uns and Ellen came through to the office to meet me and we decided to head over to Smiths of Smithfield for steak dinner and some wine to celebrate me finishing up there :)

Smiths of Smithfield

On Friday we just stayed in around the house. The plan was initially to head to IKEA in the morning, but turned out the car's battery decided to completely die, so that didn't happen. But still had a good day around the house, and then myself and Ellen popped out to the Blackbird Bakery in the afternoon for some coffee and cake there :)

Ellen November 2019 Ellen November 2019
Pooch November 2019 Ellen November 2019
Blackbird Bakery Peckham

Yesterday morning was the Rugby World Cup final between SA and England, which I'd obviously been looking forward to all week! The original plan was to have Will and Duncs over to watch it at ours, but with them both getting sick during the week, they both stayed in but Uns, Ellen and myself enjoyed the game at home, with SA winning by a good 32 points to 12! Needless to say, super happy with that win :)

Ellen November 2019
Ellen November 2019 Ellen November 2019

The weather for the rest of the day was fairly miserable and heavy rain, so stayed indoors for the most of it, but did manage to pop out briefly in the evening with Ellen to show her some of the fireworks around the corner.

This morning after Ellen's breakfast we drove over to Peckham Rye Park and Common for some time in the playground while Uns took Mia around the park for a walk. Afterwards we stopped in at the café for some coffee and brunch, followed by a visit to see the ducks and then home for the afternoon.

Peckham Rye Common

I start at MySense tomorrow morning, so really looking forward to that, be the first time since 2007 where I'm starting a new job not knowing anyone there beforehand, but really excited about the company and technology there - especially that it involves gadgets :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -