Posted on Monday, October 28, 2019:

On Wednesday last week we had our work social while the remote guys were over in the UK. After most of the day in the office, we left late afternoon and headed over to Bounce for a couple of hours of drinks and ping pong. From there it was a short walk over to The Coach in Clerkenwell for dinner and drinks for the night.

Bounce Farringdon The Coach Clerkenwell

I had decided to take Thursday and Friday off work to have a couple of days at home with Uns and Ellen, so Thursday morning we headed off to Peckham Pulse for her swimming and then stayed indoors at home for the afternoon with it being heavy rain outside.

On Friday morning I took Ellen up to Telegraph Hill Playclub for a few hours of play up there which she thoroughly enjoys. Then after her midday nap, we all headed into town, starting at Waterloo and walking along the Southbank popping into The Southbank Centre for a little while. From there we continued towards London Bridge, stopping in at Nando's for dinner before heading home.

Ellen October 2019
Ellen October 2019 Ellen October 2019
Southbank Centre Nandos London Bridge

On Saturday morning it was the first rugby semi-final with England playing an incredible match and beating the All Blacks to put them into the final. After the afternoon around the house and a visit to the shops, Shazell came round that evening to babysit for us while Uns and I headed into town. We had decided to try Gloria restaurant in Shoreditch, but with it being walk-in only, we weren't able to get a table so instead we booked in at Bottega Prelibato on Rivington Street. Since our booking was only for an hour later, we went for a pre-drink at the Merchant's Tavern before heading back for a really nice dinner at Bottega Prelibato.

Ellen October 2019
Bottega Prelibato Shoreditch Merchants Tavern Shoreditch

Yesterday morning was the SA vs Wales semi-final, and as it turned out, Keithy was over in London too, so we'd organised he pop round to ours for the morning to watch the game before he had to dash off to the airport to get his flight back to Germany. At least he managed to see the last few minutes of the game where SA only just won by a very close 3 points :)

Ellen October 2019 Ellen Keith October 2019
Ellen Keith October 2019 Ellen October 2019
Ellen October 2019 Ellen October 2019

Later that afternoon we made our way up to Nunhead Cemetery for a wander around there and give poochy a good run around. The clocks had gone back on Saturday night, so we almost scuppered ourselves with it getting dark that bit earlier as well as the cemetery closing a bit earlier too, but got a good walk in before heading home for the evening.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -