On Thursday evening last week I'd arranged dinner and drinks with JJ, JP and Marty around the Farringdon area. So after work I headed up to The Hope and first met up with JP, followed by JJ and Marty a bit later. After a couple there we decided on dinner at The Draft House, followed by a few cocktails at Smith's of Smithfield. I called it a night just before last train, which was the sensible thing to do, but was good seeing the guys again!
On Saturday morning we made our way over to Peckham Rye Park for a bit of time in the playground, and then some brunch in the cafe, followed by a walk through the gardens and over to the ducks, which Ellen always enjoys :)
That afternoon was just at home sorting out a few things around the house, then that evening Elaine came around to babysit while Uns and I headed into London Bridge to meet up with Fisher as well as Paul and Carol. We'd arranged for a pre-drink at The Wheatsheaf before moving over to Bao for dinner which was really good. After a good meal there, Paul and Carol headed home and Uns decided to make her way home to Elaine, while myself and Fisher stayed on for a couple of rums at The Wheatsheaf before calling it a night :)
Yesterday afternoon we had Keith and Kristin around for lunch at ours. We had originally planned a steak braai but with them being at Hawksmoor on Saturday night we changed the lunch to beer-can chicken instead. Was good to see them again and chill out in the garden, as well as in the log cabin later on once Ellen was awake :)
They headed off late afternoon to get their flight home from Stansted while Uns and I chilled out at home on the couch for the evening.
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -