Last week the folks stayed up with us at our place and decided to head down to Walton on Saturday morning for the day down there with Greg, Kim and the boys. After they had left our place, the three of us decided on breakfast at the Blackbird Bakery, followed by a bit of a walk around Peckham and then the rest of the afternoon at home and in the log cabin, until the folks arrived back later that evening.
That evening we once again convinced the folks to do a bit of babysitting for us, while Uns and I headed into town for dinner in Chinatown. We'd spoken for ages about going into Soho and having dinner in there, and after walking around and trying to decide where to eat, a random passerby suggested we eat at Gerrard's Corner and went with his suggestion. Had ourselves a really nice tasty meal there, followed by a slow walk through Chinatown, and then over to the trains back home.
On Sunday morning I drove with the folks and Ellen down to Ashford Town Football Club in Surrey, where Ethan was playing in a football tournament. The plan was for us to go watch him for a couple of hours, and then when it finished, we would time it so that Uns would head down to Walton and we'd pick her up at the station and then continue back to Greg and Kim's place. We stayed on at their place for a while and had lunch there, and then after saying our goodbyes to the folks (which is never easy), we made our way back home through the slow Sunday evening traffic. Then once home, Uns had a quick turnaround and made her way into town to a Dior exhibition at the V&A, which she'd been wanting to go to and had managed to get a ticket for it. So a rather busy Sunday for us!
Then later that night, after we'd gone to sleep, we were woken up by the sounds of a leak in Ellen's room coming through from the flat above, which luckily we caught in time and managed to get their attention upstairs and limit the amount of water. At least Ellen was fine, just super excited at being awake at 1am with all the activity going on... but all good! I worked from home yesterday morning to make sure all was OK and in case anything needed to be done, but so far so good, all seems to be OK again now!
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -