We're just after a nice four day long weekend here, with yesterday being a bank holiday and I had taken Friday off work. The folks had flown in on Thursday morning, spent the day down in Walton then made their way up to ours that evening. With the weather being nice on Friday, we spent the morning at home and in the garden with Ellen, and then later on headed up to Telegraph Hill Park for some fun on the swings :) That evening, once Ellen had gone to sleep, we tricked the folks into a bit of babysitting and Uns and I headed out into London Bridge for dinner at Bao followed by a couple of drinks at The Wheatsheaf.
On Saturday morning we visited Peckham Rye Park playground as well as the cafe, and then spent the afternoon around the house and in the log cabin. That evening, once Ellen was down for the night, the folks and I headed up to Skehans for a few beers there along with some live music in the pub.
Sunday was just a chilled out day around the house, and that evening the folks made their way down to Walton for the night and then were off with Greg and Kim and the boys to Bournemouth for a few days. Then yesterday morning we all popped up to Nunhead Cemetery, along with Mia, for a walk around there.
The afternoon was spent just chilling out at home, making the most of the end of a nice four day weekend.
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -