We're just after a bank holiday weekend here, and even though we didn't have plans to go away for it, we had quite a bit on around Peckham and Nunhead which kept us busy! But kicking off the long weekend early, we had JJ and Louise around for dinner at ours on Thursday night. We had spoken for ages to have them over and had booked it in for last Thursday. Was good to have them over and catch up with them, plus they eventually got to meet Ellen and Mia :)
On Saturday afternoon we met up with Gav and Jane out in Beckenham for lunch at Chai Naasto Indian restaurant. Similar to Thursday night's dinner, we had spoken for ages about meeting up with them and had only got around to arranging something for this weekend. After a good lunch there, we took a walk up to the Jolly Woodman, a proper old man's pub which was good for a chat and catch up. After sometime there we called it a day and headed on home.
On Sunday we spent all of the morning at home, and that afternoon I took Ellen up to the swings and slide at Nunhead Green, followed by the Blackbird Bakery for coffee for myself and a little snackbox for missy. Then yesterday morning we headed back up to Nunhead Green again for a bit of time on the swings and slide and then headed home before Greg and the boys arrived up to ours for the afternoon.
We had organised to have them up at ours for a fry up to start, then after sometime in the log cabin, when Ellen went down for her nap, myself and Greg took the boys up to Telegraph Hill Park for the soap box derby they were having up there for the day.
It was well supported and we managed to see a few of the soap box carts making their way down through the course, in between demands from the boys to play on the jungle gym :) But a nice afternoon up there with them. Once they'd left to head home, Uns and I figured we'd all make our way over to Nunhead Cemetery for a walk around there, which Ellen enjoys with the trees and birds and Mia loves a mission around there!
After a loop around the outer paths of the cemetery, we made our way back home to finish off the busy afternoon and bank holiday weekend :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -