Posted on Monday, February 4, 2019:

The past couple of weekends have been quite busy, and mainly involved restaurants and dining out :) Two weeks ago on Saturday, Uns, Ellen and I headed into Peckham for brunch at Honest Burgers, followed by an afternoon at home. Then on Sunday morning we stopped in at Kudu for brunch, followed by a rainy afternoon spent at home.

Honest Burgers Peckham Lads Dinner Foxlow January 2019
Rainy Day Ellen January 2019
Ellen January 2019 Ellen January 2019 Ellen January 2019

Then last Thursday evening I had our regular lads dinner with JJ, Marty, AA, Matt and Iggy. They had booked us in at Foxlow in Clerkenwell, so after a quick couple of pints after work at The Fence, I headed over to Foxlow for a good evening and steak dinner there with the guys. On my journey home, the snow had started to fall, not as much as they had originally predicted, but enough to notice and snap a few photos of it falling.

Foxlow Clerkenwell Lads Dinner December 2018
Snow January 2019 Snow January 2019

This Saturday just gone by, after the morning at home, the three of us made our way into Covent Garden for lunch at Frenchie. We'd last been there about two years ago for dinner and always spoke of going back, so decided to book in this Saturday. After a nice lunch there we took a walk around Covent Garden, popped into the Apple Store and then thought we'd grab a quick cocktail at The American Bar at The Savoy. Except they don't allow children there apparently, not even quiet sleeping babies. So we decided to head on over to The Corinthian Hotel for a drink at Northall Bar, adjacent to Kerridge's Bar & Grill. After our cocktail there, we made our way back home again for the evening.

Frenchie Covent Garden Frenchie Covent Garden
Ellen January 2019 Ellen January 2019
Corinthia Hotel Northall Bar

Yesterday morning we headed down to Walton-on-Thames for early lunch with Greg and Kim and the boys. We decided to go down for the earlier part of the day, spend some time there and have lunch, then drive back home over Ellen's longer midday nap which worked out best.

Ethan Rory and Ellen January 2019 Ethan Rory and Ellen January 2019
Ethan Rory and Ellen January 2019

The rest of yesterday late afternoon and evening were just spent relaxing at home, after a rather busy weekend.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -