Posted on Tuesday, January 1, 2019:

I'll start this post off with a happy new year to everyone, and hope 2019 is a good one for you all! We got back to London this afternoon from a week and a half over in Cork for Christmas and New Years, after flying out last Monday on Christmas Eve from Stansted Airport. After arriving into Cork, we picked up the car and made our way down West.

Tuesday was Christmas Day which we had dinner at home, followed by the darts competition that evening up at Anthony and Lui's place. Much to everyone's surprise, myself included, I landed up winning the darts this year, a substantial improvement from getting knocked out first round every other year! :)

Ireland Christmas 2018 Ireland Christmas 2018
Ireland Christmas 2018 Ireland Christmas 2018
Ireland Christmas 2018 Ireland Christmas 2018 Ireland Christmas 2018
Ireland Christmas 2018

The next few days we were just around the house, did a few spins around the coast, drove down to Baltimore and Lough Hyne one of the days and also manage to pop into O'Neill Coffee in Skibb a couple of times. On Sunday night Teresa came over to babysit while Uns and I headed down to Mary Ann's for dinner followed by a drink at Lil's.

Ireland Christmas 2018 Ireland Christmas 2018
Ireland Christmas 2018 Ireland Christmas 2018
Castletownshend Mary Anns Bar and Restaurant

Yesterday afternoon we packed up our bags and drove up to Cork to spend the night at Claire and Michael's place, and to see in the new year with them. Slightly different to previous years of fancy dress, but with little missy upstairs sound asleep, it suited us just perfectly :) And full credit to Google Photos for putting together the "Smiles of 2018" video of the highlights from last year...

Dinner with Friends Ireland Christmas 2018

This morning we were up rather early to get our 10am flight back to London, arriving home early this afternoon, giving us this afternoon to unpack and chill out at home.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -