Posted on Sunday, December 23, 2018:

On Thursday evening, after a couple of beers after work at Lazybones with the work guys, I had dinner organised with JJ, AA, Marty and Iggy, so from Lazybones I made my way over to Shoreditch and met up with them at the Barley Mow where they were just finishing up their beers. Dinner was booked in at Blacklock, just a minute's walk from the Barley Mow. After a good meal of various cuts of meats and chops which they specialise in, we made our way over to Home Bar for another few beers before calling it a night and heading on home.

Lads Dinner December 2018
Lads Dinner December 2018 Lads Dinner December 2018

Then yesterday morning, Uns and myself took Ellen and Mia for a stroll up to Telegraph Hill Park for their Saturday morning market, and while Uns and Ellen wandered through the market stalls, myself and Mia missioned up and down the road. Since there wasn't much in the market for brunch, we decided to stop in at The Hill Station cafe for coffee and a snack there. After our brunch there, we headed on home for the rest of the day.

Ellen December 2018
Telegraph Park Market December 2018 Telegraph Park Market December 2018
Hill Station Cafe Telegraph Hill Ellen December 2018

This morning we popped into Peckham to grab a few things from the high street, then this afternoon we made our way into central London for a couple of hours up in the Sky Garden, enjoying a couple of drinks and cocktails up there. We also hadn't yet been up there with Ellen, so good to show her the view over London from the viewing deck :)

Sky Garden December 2018 Sky Garden December 2018
Sky Garden December 2018 Sky Garden December 2018
Sky Garden December 2018 Sky Garden December 2018 Sky Garden December 2018
Sky Garden December 2018 Sky Garden December 2018

We're off to Ireland tomorrow for Christmas and New Years, so spent this evening getting the house ready for the house-sitters arriving tomorrow morning, so a rather busy evening, but think we're all sorted now, so if I don't get around to another post before the new year, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -