Posted on Friday, December 14, 2018:

Last Saturday we had organised to meet up with Greg, Kim and the boys for lunch, before they headed off to SA for Christmas, and we had decided on Kingston upon Thames as a half way point to meet up. On our way through, we stopped off at the Pexmas Festive Market in Warwick Gardens by Peckham, where Tessa was running a stall. After Uns grabbed a few things from there, as well as some coffee and a bite to eat for us, we headed off over to Kingston and met up with Greg and family at the Druids Pub for lunch. After something to eat and drink there, we all took a stroll through the Christmas markets and then made our way home.

Druids Head Pub Kingston
Kingston Pub Lunch December 2018 Kingston Pub Lunch December 2018

On Sunday, we had organised a lunch meetup with the NCT couples and babies at Peckham Levels. Since it was rather crazy busy with the Sunday markets in there, we moved over to Wildflower for a drink and a snack and chilled out there for the afternoon with the others. It was just us, Harry & Tessa as well as David & Katie for the afternoon, as Chris and Amy were still down in Devon and Richard and Vicky had something else on. Was good to see the others again and see the little ones together. After a while there we all headed on back home.

Peckham Levels NCT Catch Up December 2018
NCT Catch Up December 2018 NCT Catch Up December 2018

Yesterday we had our work Christmas party, starting off around midday in the office with a few updates and discussions, followed by some champagne, beers and awards where I won the infamous WeShop warrior award which meant I had to drink out of the trophy for the rest of the day. Scuppered big time. Lunch was booked in at Taberna Etrusca, the same restaurant as last year, so after walking down there from the office, we settled in for the afternoon of drinks and lunch, which went downhill for me very quickly having to drink out of a chalice!

Taberna Etrusca Restaurant Work Xmas Party December 2018
Work Xmas Party December 2018 Work Xmas Party December 2018 Work Xmas Party December 2018

The meal and early part of the afternoon was good, the rest of it was pretty hazy, but did mean I was home rather early and had myself a good eleven hours sleep which I can't remember when last I had that. But still feeling rather knackered today!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -