Posted on Monday, December 3, 2018:

On Saturday we had our annual Jukka's Christmas get-together, kindly hosted by Paul and Carol again. We figured it would've been a bit much this year to have it at ours with little Ellen, so they offered their place again. We headed out to Woolwich mid afternoon and met up with everyone else out there. As always, Carol put on an excellent Christmas lunch for all 20 something of us and no doubt everyone had a really good afternoon and evening out there.

Jukkas Christmas December 2018 Jukkas Christmas December 2018 Jukkas Christmas December 2018
Jukkas Christmas December 2018 Jukkas Christmas December 2018
Jukkas Christmas December 2018 Jukkas Christmas December 2018

Yesterday was a nice chilled day around the house sorting a few things out and of course, playing with Ellen for the most part :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -