Posted on Monday, November 26, 2018:

On Thursday a couple of weeks ago, we had our work social evening and had organised to all go bowling at Bloomsbury Lanes. Unfortunately I missed the bowling while finishing some work off at the office, so only joined everyone a bit later on, just as they were finishing up their game. We did stay on there for sometime having a few beers afterwards, so I didn't completely miss out on the evening :)

Bloomsbury Lanes Bowling Bloomsbury Lanes Bowling

That Saturday we spent the day at home, and in the evening I headed out into Soho for our 'breakfast club' dinner at Pix Pintxos. Uns had organised the restaurant, but she decided to stay in with Ellen and I head out with the others for dinner and drinks. After dinner at Pix Pintxos, we stopped in at The Crown & Two Chairmen for a few beers before all calling it a night.

Breakfast Club November 2018
Breakfast Club November 2018 Breakfast Club November 2018

Last Thursday we had Duncs and Lol over for dinner at ours. I decided to work from home that afternoon to get the Weber ready, and for dinner we cooked up a tasty 1.4kg chateaubriand steak, which always goes down well, even if I must say so myself :) Was a really good night and was good to catch up with them again!

Dinner with Friends

This Saturday was just us chilling out around the house for the morning, then after lunch we took a walk down to the Blackbird Bakery with Ellen for a coffee and a cake, and back home again in time for the SA vs Wales rugby game which unfortunately SA lost by 11 points to 20, so not even a close result to lose by.

Blackbird Bakery Peckham
Ellen November 2018 Ellen November 2018 Animation Ellen November 2018

Yesterday morning was just spent at home, and then in the afternoon we all took a walk into Peckham for lunch and a bit of a walkabout at Peckham Levels. After a little while there, we made our way home via Cossall Park, stopping off to give Ellen a bit of time on the swings and then head on home to finish off the weekend.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -