Posted on Monday, November 5, 2018:

Last week Saturday we spent the morning doing a few things around the house and popped up to The Old Nun's Head in the early evening for a burger and a beer there. That night the clocks went back so from Sunday it started to get dark really early, a sure sign that winter is on it's way! Then on Wednesday evening, I spent a good bit of it carving out a pumpkin for Halloween this year, and fairly happy with the end result :)

Old Nuns Head Pub Una and Ellen at Burger Bear October 2018
Halloween October 2018 Halloween October 2018

Last week Thursday evening I had dinner booked in with JJ, AA, Marty, Matt and Iggy. So after work I made my way up towards Smithfield's and met them at Ask for Janice bar for a beer beforehand. Afterwards we walked over to Bowling Bird and had ourselves a decent steak dinner there, followed by a couple of after-dinner beers at the Red Cow before we all called it a night and headed home.

Ask For Janice Bar Lads Dinner November 2018
Old Red Cow Farringdon

After this past Saturday just at home, we had arranged to meet up with Greg, Kim and the boys yesterday around the London Bridge area. Ethan was learning about the Great Fire of London so wanted to come and see where it all started as well as see The Monument. After meeting them near Borough Market, we walked over London Bridge and grabbed some lunch at The Hydrant pub. After a bite to eat and a quick look at The Monument and Pudding Lane, we took a walk along the North Bank towards St. Paul's and crossed over the Millennium Bridge towards the Tate Modern.

Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018 Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018
Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018 Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018
Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018 Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018 Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018
Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018 Sunday Lunch Around London Bridge November 2018

We decided to stop in at the Tate Modern for a coffee and to feed Ellen, while the four of them headed up to the viewing deck for a quick look at the view, before we all decided to head back towards the trains and make our way home.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -