Posted on Tuesday, October 23, 2018:

On Thursday last week I stopped in at Lazybones by the office for a few beers after work to welcome a few new faces to the office, but didn't stay too long, just a quick couple there and a bit of chat before heading home for the evening.

Lazy Bones Farringdon

Saturday and Sunday were just spent around the house and around Peckham. We also got around to assembling missy's new cot for her to sleep in, and so far she seems ok having moved from sleeping in the Snuzpod and Sleepyhead to now sleeping in the cot, so hopefully she continues to enjoy her sleep in that :) On Sunday we had breakfast at the Blackbird Bakery, with a walk up to Telegraph Hill Park in the afternoon, followed by a braai at home in the evening.

Ellen October 2018
Blackbird Bakery Peckham Ellen at Blackbird Bakery October 2018
Telegraph Hill October 2018 Telegraph Hill October 2018

Last night after work a few of us stopped in at the Three Compasses pub after work for a couple of beers there, before I grabbed myself a cheeky Nandos and then headed on home.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -