Posted on Saturday, October 20, 2018:

After starting this blog around 12 and a half years ago, this event (the one you are reading right now) is the 1,000th blog post on site, which I'm quite impressed with if I must say so myself :) I built and started it just before I left South Africa back in May 2006, with the initial idea of using it only for the first few months of my travels around Europe and a way to keep track of the places I visited then. It then became a regular and weekly update of what I was up to, which subsequently turned into what both myself and Una were up to, and now of course includes little Ellen too in our adventures :)

1000 Blog Posts

A few stats since my first post back in May 2006:
• Used exactly 8,699 photos and images on the site
• Included 44 different YouTube videos on the site
• The year with the most events was 2010 with 118 events
• The month with the most events was September 2011
• The longest blog post was 'San Francisco and Alcatraz' in September 2013
• I've averaged 6.7 events a month over all the 12 and a half years

So thanks for reading and keeping up to date with our adventures on a week by week basis. I've really enjoyed writing this over the years, even if I am normally a few months behind with the updates, but hopefully I can still keep it going like I have been doing up until now :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -