Posted on Wednesday, October 17, 2018:

Over the past few days we'd been out in the Cotswolds for a long weekend away. I'd never really organised anything for Una's birthday back in May, so decided to plan something for this weekend and booked a few nights away in a little house in the Cotswolds. So on Saturday morning, after packing up the car, we headed off west towards the Cotswolds, arriving at The Little House around midday. After dropping the bags, letting Ellen roll around a bit and a quick walk for pooch, we made our way into Cirencester to the market there for a bite to eat and a wander around. After getting a few things in town and a bite to eat, we took a walk through Abbey Grounds Park and then back to the house for the rest of the day.

Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018
Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018

Sunday was a wet and rainy day outside, so spent the first half of it indoors, with Uns having her in-house massage in the morning while I chilled upstairs with little missy. That afternoon, once the rain had subsided a bit, we took a drive over to Bibury for a walk around there and to see the cottages of Arlington Row - often referred to as the most photographed and beautiful cottages in the country. After our afternoon stroll around Bibury, we headed back home via a few of the picturesque Cotswolds villages.

Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018
Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018
Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018
Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018
Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018

After Monday morning around the house, we had lunch booked in at The Bell at Sapperton pub which was recommended to us, so we headed off there around midday for a bite to eat. Once finished lunch, we took a drive up through Bourton-on-the-Water but with it rather wet and rainy we decided not to stop and rather carry on through to the Slaughters (the name comes from old English 'slohtre', which simply means 'muddy place' rather than anything 'slaughter house' related). After passing through Upper Slaughter, we decided to stop at Lower Slaughter and take a brief walk around and grab a tea and coffee at the Slaughters Country Inn. After sometime there we hopped back into the car and made our way back to the house.

Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018
Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018

After checking out of the house yesterday morning, we took a drive up to Bourton-on-the-Water and spent a few hours walking around there, followed by a bite to eat at The Mousetrap Inn.

Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018
Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018 Cotswolds Weekend Away October 2018

The drive back to London was easy enough, it was the last few miles from West London to home that was the slowest, taking almost the same time to just get across London as it did from the Cotswolds to the outskirts of London. But got back eventually, just in time to put missy to bed and chill out for the rest of the evening on the couch :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -