Posted on Monday, October 1, 2018:

Over the past few days, Una was over in Ireland on a girl's long weekend away at Parknasilla, while I stayed home and looked after little missy. Uns flew out last week Thursday, but before her flight we met up at Liverpool Street Station for lunch at The Merchant of Bishopsgate. After a bite to eat there, Uns headed off to get her train to the airport, while Ellen and I made our way home for the rest of the day.

The Merchant of Bishopsgate Pub Me and Ellen Weekend September 2018

I didn't have any set plans for the weekend, the idea was to spend the first half of the day at home with Ellen to get her morning naps in, then try head out later in the day during her afternoon nap in the stroller. On Friday afternoon we did pop into the Montague Arms after her late nap for a quick pint there before heading home :) And Saturday afternoon was the South Africa vs Australia rugby which SA won by 23 points to 12, much to Ellen's excitement :)

The Montague Arms Peckham Me and Ellen Weekend September 2018
Me and Ellen Weekend September 2018 Me and Ellen Weekend September 2018

Yesterday was a rather cold and windy day outside, so decided to stay indoors for the day and skip our afternoon walk. Uns arrived in around 8ish last night, relieved to see the house was still in order and that I survived! Really was a fun weekend, and not only because it included a pub and some rugby :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -