Posted on Sunday, September 16, 2018:

Last week Saturday, after a quick drive up to Nunhead for a few things there, we arrived back home just as the folks got to our place. They were over in the UK for ten days and staying with us until Thursday. After the afternoon catching up and playing with Ellen, we fired up the Weber and had a beer-can chicken for dinner that evening.

On Sunday, which was their 40th wedding anniversary, we had planned to have a picnic in the park over at Peckham Rye Park. Greg, Kim and the boys drove up and we all met there mid morning for a lunchtime picnic and afternoon in the park, as well a good bit of time in the playground which the boys loved! Later that afternoon we took a walk through the Japanese Gardens before heading home. That evening, Uns and I had tickets to Kevin Bridges at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith, so while the folks babysat, we headed off there for a night of comedy which was excellent :)

Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018 Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018
Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018 Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018
Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018 Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018
Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018 Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018
Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018 Folks Wedding Anniversary Picnic September 2018

On Monday I'd booked the afternoon off, so after finishing work I met up with Uns, Ellen and the folks at London Bridge, and after a walk down towards Butler's Wharf Pier and back again, we stopped in at Strada by Tower Bridge for some pizza and Aperol Spritz's. On the way back we walked through Borough Market and then to the station to get the train home. Since the weather on Tuesday was forecast to be nice and sunny, I decided to book the day off work, and we started off with a Skottel at home for brunch and then headed over to Mudchute Park and Farm for the afternoon for a walk around there. After a few hours there, we headed towards home and stopped in at Greenwich Park for a couple of hours before continuing on home.

Strada London Bridge September 2018 Strada London Bridge September 2018
Folks Visit September 2018 Folks Visit September 2018
Mudchute Farm September 2018 Mudchute Farm September 2018
Mudchute Farm September 2018 Greenwich September 2018
Greenwich September 2018 Greenwich September 2018

On Wednesday I'd taken the afternoon off, so after finishing up at lunchtime I made my way home and then myself, the folks and pooch drove over to Nunhead Cemetery while Uns and Ellen walked over there and we spent a few hours walking around there. Then that evening we decided on the hot stone raclette for dinner. Afterwards, the folks and I took a walk up to Skehans for a drink up there, along with some live music too. Didn't stay too long, since it was a school night after all, so headed back home after our pint there.

Nunhead Cemetery September 2018 Nunhead Cemetery September 2018
Nunhead Cemetery September 2018 Nunhead Cemetery September 2018
Skehans Pub September 2018 Skehans Pub September 2018
Skehans Pub September 2018

After they left on Thursday to head back down to Greg's, we had no set plans for Thursday or Friday, and then yesterday morning we watched the NZ vs SA game at home which was exceptionally close and we beat the All Blacks 36-34, made even sweeter by it being played in New Zealand! That afternoon we took a casual walk into Peckham to get a few things from the high street and then chilled out at home that evening.

Watching the Rugby September 2018

This morning we headed out early and down to Walton for the day with Greg and family and the folks. After a bit of time at their place we drove over to The Plough Inn for lunch, followed by a walk around the front gardens of Painshill Park. The afternoon was spent back at Greg and Kim's place, before Uns, Ellen and myself said our byes to everyone and made our way over to the Hilton Hotel at Gatwick Airport.

Ellen and Ethan September 2018 The Plough Inn Cobham September 2018
The Plough Inn Cobham September 2018 The Plough Inn Cobham September 2018
Painshill Park Cobham September 2018 Painshill Park Cobham September 2018

After checking in this evening, we grabbed an overpriced burger downstairs at the hotel and while Uns put Ellen to bed, I drove the car over to the long stay carpark where we're leaving it for the week, while we're off soaking up some sun in Sardinia :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Gatwick Airport, England -