Posted on Tuesday, August 28, 2018:

On Saturday morning Uns was out the house for a few hours getting her hair and nails done, while I was at home looking after and playing with little missy. Later that afternoon once Una was home, we made our way into town to the Queen Elizabeth Hall Roof Garden on top of the Southbank Centre to meet up with Seamus and Kirsty who were passing through London before flying back to SA. There were about 10 of us who made it through for the afternoon, and good to have caught up with them again.

Ellen August 2018
Queen Elizabeth Hall Roof Garden Seamus and Kirsty in London August 2018

On Sunday, we knew the weather was meant to be fairly dry in the morning, so decided to head over to Nunhead Cemetery for a walk around there with poochy. After an hour's walk around there, just as the rain started to arrive, we grabbed a couple of coffees from Goodcup in Nunhead and then headed home for the afternoon while the rain came down.

Nunhead Cemetery Walk August 2018
Nunhead Cemetery Nunhead Cemetery
Rainy Day

At least yesterday was a nice, dry day outside so I spent the morning fixing up the grass after accidentally destroying it with weed killer before we left for Ireland. So hopefully that'll recover and I haven't completely messed up the garden :( Here's what we came home to and what it looks like now...

Grass Weedkiller Damage August 2018 Grass Weedkiller Damage August 2018
Grass Weedkiller Damage August 2018

After the morning in the garden, we headed through in the afternoon to London Bridge for lunch at Roast in Borough Market, which always does a good meal. The market was closed, with it being a Monday, so much quieter around there than usual, but probably better with the buggy and getting around.

Roast Borough Market Roast Borough Market August 2018
Roast Borough Market August 2018

We do have to laugh though, after months of really hot and dry weather, it waits until the middle of the bank holiday weekend to pour with rain... but at least it was only the Sunday afternoon and not a full weekend washout! :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -