Posted on Tuesday, August 21, 2018:

It's been just over two weeks since my last update, the first of those was over the week with just me and the pooch at home while Uns and Ellen were over in Ireland. Turned out to be a super busy week around the house, catching up on those jobs I'd been wanting to get done for ages and rather pleased I managed to get a good bit of them done.

Then on Saturday I flew over to a rainy Cork, getting in early afternoon and after picking up the car, I drove down west to see Uns and missy again and spent the afternoon around the house :) Then on Sunday afternoon, it was the 20 year rematch of the Castlehaven vs Erins Isle GAA match, which resulted in Castlehaven winning this time round, after they lost by one point 20 years ago. After a nice sunny afternoon watching the game and chilling out on the pitch afterwards, we took a spin around the coast and headed off home.

Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018

On Monday and Tuesday I had decided to work from Ludgate and meet up with Uns and Ellen at lunchtimes - with The Castle on Monday and Glebe Cafe on Tuesday. Later on Tuesday afternoon, Greg and Kim and the boys arrived in and we had them down in the house for dinner that evening.

Ludgate Hub in Skibbereen
The Castle Castletownshend Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018

Wednesday turned into a very wet and rainy day, so after a fry up at home, we headed into Skibb to The Treehouse to give the boys a bit of a run around there, while later on that afternoon, Una, Ellen and I popped into John and Eileen for a visit. That evening, we made our way down to Baltimore and met Greg, Kim and the boys there for pizza at La Jolie Brise.

Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018

On Thursday, we all headed out for a day trip to Glengarriff and Garnish Island. After getting the ferry across to the island, we spent a couple of hours wandering around there before returning, and making our way to Jack's Bar & Restaurant for lunch. After a bite to eat there, we took a drive up the Cork & Kerry mountain pass, mainly for the scenic views and then made our way back home. We stopped off at the Westlodge Hotel for a quick coffee stop, and then continued back to Bawn.

Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018

On Friday, we started off with a drive to Trag and a bit of run around on the beach there. Claire had driven down west with Jack and Dara, so the next few hours were spent at the house with the boys playing there, followed by the afternoon down at Castletownsend Beach with the boys (as well as Greg and myself) skimming stones and collecting jewels rocks. After the beach, we drove over to Rineen Woods for a walk around there before heading home. Claire had offered to babysit that evening while Uns and myself headed out to Lis Aard for dinner.

Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018

On Saturday, after a morning at the house with Greg and Kim and the boys all playing, we made our way over to Lough Hyne for a bit of a walk around there. Despite the cold and misty look of the lake, Ethan and Rory decided they wanted to go in, or at least knee deep before we made our way back home. That evening, with Donnacha babysitting, myself, Uns, Claire and Michael headed down to Mary Anne's for dinner.

Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018
Ireland August 2018 Ireland August 2018

On Sunday was Ellen's Christening day, which we had at Castlehaven Church with Father Thornton. After the Christening, we all headed back down to Bawn for lunch and a busy afternoon with the kids (and the rest of us) making full use of the bouncy castle! :) That evening, Uns, Claire and Teresa headed out to Glebe Gardens near Baltimore to go watch Hothouse Flowers play, while I was quite happy to kick back and chill out at the house after a pretty active afternoon racing through the giant croc!

Ellens Christening Day August 2018 Ellens Christening Day August 2018
Ellens Christening Day August 2018 Ellens Christening Day August 2018
Ellens Christening Day August 2018 Ellens Christening Day August 2018
Ellens Christening Day August 2018 Ellens Christening Day August 2018
Ellens Christening Day August 2018

With the bouncy castle still up yesterday, Eamonn spent a good bit of time at the house with a few of his buddies maximising his time on it. After a quick trip into Skibb with Uns, followed by a spin around the coast, we packed our bags and headed up to the airport, getting home fairly late but little Ellen slept right through all the travels, like a little champ :) Good to get back home again and see poochy, after being well looked after by the house sitters Chris and Jan. At least it's a nice and warm day in London today to welcome us back home!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -