Posted on Saturday, August 4, 2018:

On Wednesday, after lunch at Liverpool Street with Uns and Ellen before their flight out to Cork, I met up with JP after work along with James and Vaughan for a few beers at the Three Compasses pub opposite the office. Was good to catch up with JP again, and as always with him, a quick beer after work turned into quite a few before heading home.

Three Compasses Pub Farringdon

On Thursday evening after work I made my way through to Shoreditch and met up with JJ, Marty, AA, Matt and Iggy at the Strongrooms pub where they were already having beers, so once they'd finished up, we headed down Curtain Road to Sagardi - a Basque pintxos bar and restaurant. After a good dinner there, we decided to walk over to the Nobu Hotel for a couple of cocktails, followed by a round of beers at The Griffin before we all called it a night.

Sagardi Shoreditch
Lads Dinner August 2018 Nobu Interior Shoreditch
Lads Dinner August 2018 Lads Dinner August 2018

After working from home yesterday, I finished up with the day and made my way through to The Oval and there I met up with Duncs, Toby and Jonny. One of the lads they usually go with wasn't able to make it to the game, so they had his season ticket which I was able to go in on. The seats were rather high up in the pavilion, so a fantastic view over the ground. It turned out to be an amazing game in the end - with Surrey cruising to a remarkable nine-wicket win over Middlesex as they chased down a target of 221 with four overs remaining. Certainly a good game to have gone to! After the match, we headed over to the Brown Derby pub for a few pints before calling it a night and heading home.

Cricket at the Oval August 2018 Cricket at the Oval August 2018
Cricket at the Oval August 2018 Cricket at the Oval August 2018

After a busy few nights out, got quite a bit of DIY to do this weekend, as well as a few house jobs. It's mainly things like drilling and hammering which make noise which I wouldn't want to be doing while Ellen's asleep, so decided to use this weekend to get all that done. So certainly no rest for the wicked :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -