Posted on Monday, July 16, 2018:

The amazing summer of 2018 continues, and everyone's still loving it and making the most of it! Last week Tuesday was the RAF 100 Flypast, which saw 100 RAF aircraft fly from Ipswitch, over Chelmsford, Stratford, central London, then on towards The Mall. Uns and Ellen had made their way out to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to watch, while I managed to pop out onto the roof of our office to see the flyover which was quite impressive to see.

View from Top of Office July 1018 Raf 100 Flyover Aircraft July 2018

Then on Thursday for lunch, Uns and Ellen came through to Farringdon along with Sula and Tulip, so AJ and I met up with them for lunch in Charterhouse Square park. After work that evening, the guys had organised a steak night, so after meeting up at The Old Nick pub by Holborn for a few beers beforehand, we then walked down to The Bull Steak Expert for our steak dinner, where we all ate way too much, as expected! But good night out and fun catch up with all the jukkas.

Charterhouse Square Farringdon
Steak Night July 2018 Steak Night July 2018
Steak Night July 2018 Steak Night July 2018

After a quiet Friday night at home, we had organised an afternoon braai at ours on Saturday for Haig and who was passing through London after being in the Netherlands for work. A good crowd of us for the day, with Paul and Carol coming through, as well as Warwick, Ellen and Wren, together with Stuart, Alice and Lily and Stuart's brother Rob. A rather busy afternoon with everyone at ours, but good catching up with Haig again, who stayed on at our place for the evening until he left and headed back down to Stu's for the night.

Braai with Haig July 2018 Braai with Haig July 2018

Yesterday was a nice lazy day at home and in the garden. After a morning of sunshine outside, we had an afternoon of sports on TV - first with the Tour de France, followed by the Wimbledon men's finals and then the Football World Cup final! Not bad for an afternoon :)

Ellen July 2018 Mia July 2018
The Tour De France on TV

Once again, this week's meant to be warm and sunny, so hopefully some more lunchtimes in the park and a few dinners outside in the evening :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -