Posted on Friday, March 30, 2018:

Since my last update a couple of weeks ago, I've been at home on paternity leave which has been both awesome as well as super busy. I was originally meant to return back to work this past Monday, but decided to extend my time off by another week, since most of the first week was spent at the hospital, so I felt another week at home would be best, as well as a bit more Ellen time :)

Ellen March 2018

On Saturday two weeks ago, which was St. Patricks Day, we managed to watch the England vs Ireland game, which resulted in Ireland winning the game 24-15, as well as the Six Nations' Grand Slam. Then on Sunday, we had Greg, Kim and the boys up for a visit to meet Ellen, and while the boys and myself spent the afternoon outside in the log cabin, Greg and Kim were inside hanging out with Una and Ellen.

Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018
Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018
Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018

On Tuesday we decided to get out the house for a walk, and took Ellen and Mia in the direction of Telegraph Hill and since it was a nice afternoon, we stopped in at Skehans pub for a quick drink outside in the sun, before heading back home again. On Wednesday, we had Claire and Teresa visit us for the day, which was a surprise visit for Uns, she had no idea they were coming over. Similar to Tuesday, the weather was great and we managed to sit outside in the sun for most of the day, so they certainly timed their day visit well :) Then on Thursday, the NCT girls popped around in the morning to come meet Ellen, and once they'd gone, myself, Uns and Ellen made our way over to The Blackbird Bakery for lunch.

Skehans Irish Pub Ellen March 2018
Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018
Blackbird Bakery Peckham Ellen March 2018
Ellen March 2018

On Sunday last week we decided to try The Telegraph pub for lunch, since it had probably been a couple of years since we'd last been there for Sunday lunch. The roasts there were still as good as they used to be, and Ellen was exceptionally well behaved which made it so much easier for us :) On Tuesday this week, after spending the day at home, we headed out late afternoon up to Nunhead to register her with the GP and then afterwards stopped in at The Old Nun's Head for a bite to eat, which were serving Burger Bear on the menu. Since we'd timed our outing just as Ellen had fallen asleep at home, we managed the GP, our dinner and to get back home before she started to stir and wake up... great success!

Telegraph at the Earl of Derby Pub Ellen March 2018
Old Nuns Head Pub Ellen March 2018
Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018 Ellen March 2018
Ellen March 2018

Yesterday afternoon we decided to head into town for a late lunch at Jamie's Italian by London Bridge. The weather certainly didn't make it too easy for us with the heavy rain, but was good to get out and catch the train into town and have lunch out there.

Rainy Day Jamies Italian London Bridge
Ellen March 2018

Today's the start of the Easter long weekend and the weather certainly isn't doing us any favours, with it being miserable and rainy outside all day and meant to stay like this until tomorrow... but at least we had no plans of going out for the day :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -