Posted on Friday, August 4, 2017:

On Friday after work last week I met up with Uns on Clapham High Street for a tasty burger at Five Guys for dinner. Since Kitchen 54 now appears to be permanently closed, we're no longer able to pop down the road for a bit of comfort food, and for now it seems Five Guys will have to do as a stand in replacement - just a bit more of a mission to get to!

Kitchen 54 Closed Five Guys Burger Chips and Coke

Saturday was fairly rainy and miserable outside, so after spending the day around the house, we headed out that evening over to Beckenham for dinner at Gav and Jane's new house which we hadn't seen before. As expected, Gav fired up the braai and cooked us some steak and ribs - always a favourite! Then on Sunday we had James around for dinner and we decided to try the wood fired pizza again, which turned out better than last time but still needs a bit more practise to perfect it :)

Braai Fire Pit Pizza July 2017

On Monday I had my last day at Quidco, after being part of that group for just over 7 years, including my time with EarnAway. So definitely a good spell, but also time to move on. Then on Tuesday, I started in Farringdon with WeShop, so rather excited about a new start and change! And the excitement wasn't just because we landed up at BrewDog for lunch on day 1... but that certainly helped :)

Weshop Homepage Brewdog Clerkenwell

Then after work on Tuesday I met up with Uns at London Bridge to go up The Shard to try out their new Virtual Reality slide they have there at the moment. You get to sit on a sloped movable platform and wear a VR headset and hurtle along at over 100mph along imaginary open-air tubes that corkscrew around the entire building. The "ride" lasted about two minutes in total and really was amazing and even got the adrenaline pumping. Might try get back there soon enough and attempt the other experience, the Vertigo, which gives the sensation of walking across girders in the sky as the tower is built, also with a VR headset as well as sensors strapped to your legs, but reckon that might get the better of me! Once we were done with the VR, we made our way down and over to Nando's on Clink Street for a bite to eat before heading home.

View from the Shard August 2017 Me and Una Shard August 2017
Shard Virtual Reality Slide Shard Virtual Reality Slide
Me Shard Virtual Reality Slide August 2017 Nandos London Bridge

Last night I had planned to meet up with Greg, so after work I took a stroll over to Waterloo and then down to Wimbledon where Greg and I met up and thought we'd try The Old Frizzle pub down on The Broadway. We grabbed a bite to eat and a couple of beers there before calling it a night, but good to catch up.

The Old Frizzle Wimbledon Me and Greg Drinks August 2017

Not too much planned for the weekend, reckon it'll mostly be fairly chilled out around the house and watching a combination of the IAAF World Championships athletics, England vs SA cricket as well as the final of the Super Rugby between the Lions vs Crusaders :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -