On Saturday last weekend we started off with breakfast at Habit in Nunhead, which we'd been to before but rather disappointed this time round with their service - certainly wasn't great. After breakfast we headed back home and spent a good bit of the afternoon outside in the log cabin while it absolutely poured down for a good few hours! Then on Sunday, which was slightly less wet and rainy than Saturday, we chilled out around the house and watched the final stage of this year's Tour de France.
After a couple of quiet nights at home, Uns and I decided to try dinner at Padella near to Borough Market on Wednesday evening. Everytime we'd been past it there was always a massive queue but thought we'd try our luck anyway. Turned out the queue was no different last Wednesday and after queuing for 45 minutes to just put our name on the list, we walked up to London Grind for a cocktail there until they messaged us to say the table was ready. Padella opened in March of this year and is a purely pasta focused restaurant and certainly a lot of buzz about it. Dinner was really good we both thought, and didn't really mind the hour and a half wait, of which half of that was spent having cocktails at London Grind so not too bad really :)
Then after our dinner we decided to walk off a bit of the food and head down to the river and take a stroll through Hays Galleria and down to Tower Bridge and then back again, before heading home.
Yesterday after work I walked over to Farringdon to meet up with the Socspacerial SupespacerrstoreWespacerShospacerp guys for the rebrand celebration drinks they had organised after having changed their name earlier in the week. I said I would stop by for an hour or so, and after meeting up at Clerkenwell and Social, an hour turned into two and then, not surprising, we all landed up at Karaoke Box in Smithfield for the rest of the night :)
Even though it wasn't much of a late night last night, got no plans this evening and looking forward to heading home and chilling out on the couch before the weekend :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -