Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2017:

Last week Tuesday I had an "away day" in Farringdon with the Social Superstore guys to start planing some strategies for their hotels and travel before I join them in August. We all met up at The Rookery in Farringdon and managed to get a fair bit done and discussed, so a good productive day in the end. Once done, we all moved over to Lazybones for a couple of beers and then to Hix Oyster & Chop House for dinner. As expected, after we were done with dinner, we all made our way over to Karaoke Box Smithfield for a good few hours of karaoke there, before calling it a night and heading home.

The Rookery Farringdon Lazy Bones Farringdon
Hix Oyster and Chop House Karaoke Box Smithfield

On Wednesday, I had agreed to take part in Paul's Virtual Reality data testing, so after work Michal and I headed over to Euston to Birkbeck University and met up with Paul there and took us about an hour to run through the tests. Once done, I headed back to Peckham and met up with Uns and we tried Kitchen 54 for dinner but landed up being closed :( So as option B, we hopped on a bus to East Dulwich to MEATliquor there for dinner. We're both hoping it's only closed temporary and not closed for good!

Virtual Reality Headset
Kitchen 54 Closed Meat Liquor East Dulwich

On Friday night we thought we'd light up the fire pit and try a pizza on there for dinner. It all started out well and looked good until we actually got around to the pizza cooking part - it very quickly turned into a calzone, and then into a burnt calzone, and then into a disaster, at which point Uns and I decided to give up and walk down to The Rose pub in New Cross for dinner there. But on Saturday, after a relaxing day at home watching the Tour de France, we tried the pizza oven again and had much more success the second time round - it was both editable and tasty :)

Fire Pit Pizza July 2017 Fire Pit Pizza July 2017
Fire Pit Pizza July 2017 Fire Pit Pizza July 2017
Fire Pit Pizza July 2017

Then on Sunday morning we were up early to head down to Walton for a day of babysitting while Greg and Kim were off to the men's final day at Wimbledon... certainly not jealous at all :) They'd applied in the public ballot and were lucky enough to get two tickets to the men's final which was amazing for them. After getting down to Walton, Greg dropped Uns and I at their place and him and Kim headed off up to Wimbledon for the day. After a few hours with the boys at home, we then walked into town, grabbed McDonald's for lunch and then back home where both boys went for a little afternoon nap, timed perfectly as the tennis was starting :)

Ethan and Rory July 2017 Ethan and Rory July 2017
Ethan and Rory July 2017 Ethan and Rory July 2017
Ethan and Rory July 2017 Ethan and Rory July 2017
Ethan and Rory July 2017

After the tennis, which Federer won quite easily, we took a walk down to the river, bought ourselves an ice-cream each and then over to the soft play at the park, to burn off some energy. Once back at the house, after Greg and Kim arrived home, we decided to make our way back up to London for the evening.

Ethan and Rory July 2017 Ethan and Rory July 2017
Ethan and Rory July 2017 Ethan and Rory July 2017
Ethan and Rory July 2017

Yesterday evening we had planned to meet up with the Brockways who were over in London for a couple of weeks, so after work Uns and I met up by Charing Cross and decided to go sit in the Victoria Embankment Gardens for a little while until meeting up with Gail and John at The Admiralty by Trafalgar Square. Warren turn joined us later and unfortunately Liz had to work late so didn't get to meet her. I thought The Admiralty would be a good choice of pub to meet at, central enough for everyone and they do a decent pie & mash with a decent beer selection :)

Victoria Embankment Gardens Gail John Warren Una Me at the Admirality July 2017
Gail John Warren Una Me at the Admirality July 2017

It was good to see them again and catch up. It would've been many years since I'd last seen Warren, but good evening with the five of us.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -