Posted on Monday, June 5, 2017:

Last week Thursday evening, Uns and I stopped in at Kitchen 54 for a quick bite to eat and then headed home to start to pull down the old dilapidated garden fence. We landed up getting it down much quicker than we expected and even managed to get the first roll of the new bark screen fence put up which is starting to looking really good.

Kitchen 54 Peckham
Garden Fence June 2017 Garden Fence June 2017

On Friday evening, Sizi was in town for work and we had all arranged to meet up in central London for a few beers with him again. After spending all of Friday day trying to finalise a plan and location, we settled on The Harp pub, just around the corner from Chandos near to Charing Cross. Keith had landed up extending his trip over, so he joined us there as well, so turned out to be a pretty good crowd of us out. A few of us decided to pop to Five Guys half way through the evening to grab a burger and then relocate to Chandos for the remainder of the night. Good to catch up and see everyone again!

The Harp Drinks June 2017 The Chandos Drinks June 2017
The Chandos Drinks June 2017 The Chandos Drinks June 2017

On Saturday morning I headed off to The Oval cricket ground and met up with Gav who had managed to get a couple of tickets (with great seats) for SA against Sri Lanka in the ICC Champions Trophy. It also landed up being a really warm sunny day too - perfect for the cricket :) SA managed to win by 93 runs, even though at one point it wasn't looking like we would but got there in end. Got to love a warm sunny day out at the cricket, especially with a win at the end!

Cricket at the Oval June 2017 Cricket at the Oval June 2017
Cricket at the Oval June 2017 Cricket at the Oval June 2017
Cricket at the Oval June 2017 Cricket at the Oval June 2017

After the cricket, we decided to walk over to London Bridge and wait for Una and Jane there. We randomly spotted The Horseshoe Inn and stopped in there, certainly a nice pub with great beer garden, no doubt we'll be back visiting there sometime soon! Once the girls had arrived, we headed down Bermondsey Street and tried to get into Pizarro but with it being so busy, we decided we weren't keen on waiting so moved over to The Garrison where we had a reservation.

Horseshoe Inn London Bridge The Garrison Bermondsey

Dinner was good, and the four of us were having a great night, until news broke of the London Bridge terror attacks which was less than a mile away from us - rather frightening! So after all frantically checking phones and messaging others, we finished up and tried to make our way home, not so easy with all trains cancelled and all buses on diversion or cancelled. We were right in and alongside the cordoned off area, and rather unsettling with the amount of police, ambulances and sirens about it. Was quite a relief to get home, where we tuned into the TV to watch the events on the news. Keithy was staying with us, but was out in north London, and thankfully he managed to get back to ours without any hassle.

London Bridge Cordoned Off June 2017

Then yesterday was a rather busy outdoors day finishing up the garden fence at home. I'd convinced Keith to help with the fence before firing up the braai... no such thing as a free lunch, right!? At least for this braai we'd managed to get some boerewors, unlike last week Monday, so it felt like a proper braai this time round :)

Braai at Home with Keith June 2017 Braai at Home with Keith June 2017 Braai at Home with Keith June 2017
Braai at Home with Keith June 2017 Braai at Home with Keith June 2017
Braai at Home with Keith June 2017 Garden Fencing Complete June 2017

Once Keithy had left for the airport, I finished up the last of the fence, getting it all up and secured before sunset which I was rather pleased with, then chilled out on the couch in front of the TV to end off a super busy and very outdoor weekend :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -