Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2017:

Last week Saturday was the Friends of Nunhead Cemetery Open Day, which Uns and the rest of the Nunhead Community Choir were singing in. They were the first group on, singing at 11am in the old chapel and they really sounded good... with the only bit of rain falling during the Irish song, the Fields of Athenry :)

Nunhead Cemetery Open Day May 2017 Nunhead Cemetery Open Day May 2017
Nunhead Cemetery Open Day May 2017 Nunhead Cemetery Open Day May 2017
Nunhead Cemetery Open Day May 2017

After performing their four songs, Uns and I took a walk around the open day and then into Nunhead to grab some steaks at the butcher for later on. Since the weather was so good, we spent the afternoon outside in the sun and firing up the braai later on for dinner. Sunday's weather was again another glorious day - certainly got that summer feel to it - so spent the day outside and attempted a "beer can chicken" in the Weber for dinner which I think turned out alright.

Braai at Home May 2017 Beer Can Chicken at Home May 2017
Sunny Back Garden

On Monday evening, I met up with Uns after work in Soho outside the Soho Theatre to go and see Andy Parsons: Slacktivist Action Group, with guests Danny Finkelstein (journalist and politician), Jane Martinson (the Guardian's Head of Media) and Ed Byrne. Occurring monthly with MPs, journalists, experts and 'read-a-couple-of-newspapers' comedians, the Slacktivist Action Group thrash over three current topics and then decide to try and achieve one piece of action before the next month's meeting. But before the show, since we had a bit of time before it started, we popped into the Crown & Two Chairman pub for a quick drink and then headed a few doors down to Soho Theatre. It was super political, with a good few comedic moments thrown in, but certainly something different to see from our usual stand up shows. Then after the show, we walked through Soho and stopped in at Bubblewrap, which had just recently opened and landed up having to queue for 45 minutes to get ourselves a tasty Bubblewrap. It was good, not sure it was "45 minutes" queueing time good, but glad we managed to try it.

Slacktivist Action Group
Soho Theatre Soho Theatre Slacktivist Action Group May 2017
Bubblewrap Waffle Bubblewrap Waffle

Then last night after work, Uns and I met up at Waterloo to go see Woyzeck at the Old Vic theatre. Since we were fairly early, we grabbed ourselves an ice-cream and sat in Waterloo Millennium Green until it was time for the show. Woyzeck is set in 1980s Berlin where the Cold War rages on and the world sits at a crossroads between Capitalism and Communism. On the border between East and West, a young soldier (played by John Boyega) and the love of his life are desperately trying to build a better future for their child. But the cost of escaping poverty is high in this searing tale of the people society leaves behind. The play was really good - and extremely dark - but good to have gone and seen it.

Waterloo Millennium Green Woyzeck at the Old Vic
Woyzeck at the Old Vic May 2017 Woyzeck at the Old Vic May 2017

After a busy and fairly cultural week, tonight we're doing a bit of packing for the bank holiday weekend - the weather is meant to be nice and sunny so we've decided to head down to the New Forest for a few days camping, so should be a nice relaxing long weekend away :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -