After we made the decision to close down EarnspacerAway, the last few weeks have been fairly relaxed at work with us all taking it rather easy while we wind down the company. Last Tuesday we had a team lunch at Pizza East, followed by an afternoon finishing off the Génépi liqueur and some beers in the office, and then over to the Soho Works office party where JJ and I landed up staying until the end, which certainly wasn't my original plan and definitely felt it the next day! On Wednesday evening myself and Uns stopped in at Kitchen 54 for dinner - no point trying to start any health kick before next year I suppose :) And then to follow on from that - Friday night for dinner was pizza at Mamma Doughs :)
On Saturday morning Una was up and off rather early to Ireland, she'd changed her flight from this coming Wednesday to the Saturday just gone by, so an early start for her off to Stansted airport. That afternoon I headed out to Woolwich to Paul and Carol's place for Jukka's Christmas. As always, a good turn out of about 30 of us there for lunch as well as the afternoon, and good catching up with everyone before Christmas. Then Sunday was just a fairly lazy day around the house.
On Monday, after getting a few jobs done around the place at home, I headed off to meet JJ, Marty, Allen, Matt and Iggy at the Old King's Head not too far from Old Street. We had tickets to the darts that evening but figured we'd all meet up beforehand. After a couple at the Old King's Head, we stopped in at Flight Club for a couple of hours and had a board reserved for a quick few games of darts each. From Flight Club we headed out to Alexandra Palace in time for the darts - the 5th day of the William Hill World Darts Championship 2016/17. We were early enough to get a table right in front which was perfect, and with everyone in fancy dress, the night certainly lived up to expectations! Definitely an awesome night and no doubt about going back next year again :)
After crashing at JJ's place on Monday night, I headed home yesterday morning and chilled out on the couch a bit and dabbled in a bit of DIY that afternoon, putting up some shelves in the front room. Then today was another quiet day, just had to pack my bag for Ireland and head off to Heathrow, grab a bite and now I'm waiting to board my flight before heading off to Cork for Christmas and New Years...
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -