After a rather quiet Monday evening at home, I took Tuesday afternoon off from work and headed down to Walton and over to Greg's. After a bit of time at their place, Greg, myself and the folks walked over to the park with Ethan to give him a bit of a run around there. Then after sometime in the park and the sun, we made our way down to the river with the boys to feed the ducks and get ourselves a Mr Whippy each :)
On Wednesday evening myself and Uns decided to visit Franks after work for a sundowner and enjoy the warm sunny evening, followed by Kitchen 54 for dinner and then home.
On Thursday the folks decided to head up into London for the afternoon, so I finished up at lunch time and headed over to Waterloo to meet up with them around the London Eye. We decided to walk along the Southbank to London Bridge which I always think is a decent touristy walk. After a leisurely paced walk towards London Bridge and stopping in at Borough Market, we thought we'd try our luck at going up the Shard, but weren't appropriately dressed, as expected :( Next time I guess. From there we walked down to Tower Bridge and back, before jumping on the tube over to St James Park.
We took a slow stroll through St James Park and over to Buckingham Palace, which is always a nice scenic walk. By then we'd started to get hungry (and thirsty for a beer), so headed down The Mall and over to The Admiralty pub. I'd previously only been there for Shannon and Cath's leaving drinks, but not eaten there before. After a drink and dinner, which I thought was good for a central London pub, we caught a black cab from Trafalgar Square over the river to Waterloo, where the folks got their train back down to Walton and I made my way home.
Friday night was fairly quiet at home, but with a touch of MacGyver to it. Our TV had stopped working earlier in the week - all the HDMI ports seemed useless. So after reading a bit online, Uns found an article about "motherboard baking" where you basically cook or bake the board in the oven for sometime to melt the connections back together. After nervously doing that and putting the TV back together, everything actually turned back on and worked beautifully again, much to my surprise :)
On Saturday myself and Uns caught the train down to Walton for the day, which was the folks' last day here. We had lunch at Greg and Kim's and then all went down to the river for a bit in the afternoon. Once back and bags packed and all the hugs and emotional goodbyes, Greg took them off to Heathrow in time for their flight, while Uns and myself headed back, stopping off at Kitchen 54 (again) for a bit of grub for dinner.
Since yesterday was a fairly sunny day at home we decided to carry on with some work on the log cabin, finishing the inside floor boards and varnishing the outside. So we're certainly making good progress with it, just got to get the concrete slab finished and then actually decide what to do with the log cabin... I know Uns has some ideas but I'm still thinking of converting it into a pub and games room?!? But we'll see :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -