Posted on Monday, August 1, 2016:

After getting back from Ireland on Wednesday night quite late, we had a fairly easy Thursday evening, just relaxing at home. Then Friday was Pay's leaving drinks at Hackney House which I went to for a couple of hours before making my way home.

Hackney House Shoreditch Hackney House Shoreditch

The rest of the weekend was spent finishing up the last bits of the log cabin, with Saturday's job being the shingles for the roof and Sunday was the flooring in the main room. I still need to finish the floor in the storage room and properly secure the main floor boards, but that can wait until another day, so no real rush there.

Log Cabin Roofing Shingles Log Cabin Roofing Shingles
Log Cabin Roofing Shingles Log Cabin July 2016

The folks arrive over here this coming weekend, so it's good to have finished the log cabin up to this point in time for their visit over.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -