Posted on Thursday, July 28, 2016:

Last Wednesday evening, Uns and I headed over to Ireland for a nice week break over there. After flying out from Stansted into Cork, we picked up our car and headed over to Claire and Michael's place. Thursday morning we started with breakfast at GoGo's Deli & Cafe and a fairly chilled out afternoon with Claire and Jack. That evening we had dinner booked in at Black Rock Castle for us four, along with Brian and Lorraine which was good to catch up with them again.

Gogo Deli Cafe Cork Blackrock Castle

On Friday we spent the morning at Ballincollig Park with Claire and Jack and then Uns and myself grabbed some lunch at Nash 19, followed by a stroll around town and then a walk back to Ballinlough. After dinner at home that evening, Uns and myself headed into town for an evening drink at Le Chateau, always a favourite of ours.

Nash 19 Cork
Le Chateau Cork Le Chateau Cork

On Saturday we drove down west and spent the afternoon relaxing outside in the sun and then myself, Uns and Mike headed down to Castletownshend beach with Jack and Eamonn for a bit of time down there. That evening was just a quieter one around the house, with Claire and Mike having gone out, we stayed in and I spent a good bit of the evening building Lego with Eamonn - always entertaining :)

Castletownshend Beach July 2016 Castletownshend Beach with Jack and Eamonn July 2016

On Sunday, after Claire, Michael and Jack had left to head back up to Cork, Uns and myself took a spin around the coast, popped into the "Skibbereen Arts Festival Fun Day" (which was basically just a few cars and gazebos in a field!), took Eamonn with us up to Knockdrum Fort and then finished off the afternoon with a couple of 99s from town. Later on that night we headed off to Trag with Anthony and Lui for a few drinks at The Skibbereen Eagle.

West Cork July 2016 West Cork July 2016
West Cork July 2016 Skibbereen Arts Festival West Cork July 2016 View from Knockdrum Fort
West Cork July 2016 View from Knockdrum Fort West Cork July 2016 View from Knockdrum Fort
West Cork July 2016 Ice Creams
West Cork July 2016 Me and Una Skibbereen Eagle Bar

On Monday morning we took Donnacha and Eamonn to Smugglers Cove in Rosscarbery - an adventure golf and entertainment centre. After a good round of adventure golf, where Eamonn and I were (only just) beaten by Una and Donnacha, we headed back west for lunch at the Busy Bee and then home.

West Cork July 2016 Smugglers Cove West Cork July 2016 Smugglers Cove
West Cork July 2016 Smugglers Cove West Cork July 2016 Smugglers Cove

Later that afternoon Uns and I headed back to Rosscarbery to the Celtic Ross Hotel for our (belated) year anniversary stay there. They were nice enough to still honour our voucher there even though we were a few months past our 1 year date. After checking in to the hotel, we went for a swim in the pool, got changed, took a stroll down the road and back again, and then went for dinner, where we both had a half lobster which was very good! They also kindly served up a happy anniversary chocolate treat after dinner :)

West Cork July 2016 Celtic Ross Anniversary West Cork July 2016 Celtic Ross Anniversary
West Cork July 2016 Celtic Ross Anniversary West Cork July 2016 Celtic Ross Anniversary
West Cork July 2016 Celtic Ross Anniversary

After a morning swim on Tuesday, we grabbed some breakfast, checked out and headed down west. The weather was a bit miserable and rainy so decided on a spin around and through Glandore and back. For dinner that evening we took the lads to get pizza at Jeff's Pizzeria in Skibb.

Jeffs Pizzeria Skibbereen

Yesterday morning Uns had invited the girls around for breakfast. Unfortunately Margaret's dad had suddenly passed away on Tuesday night, so it was just Lorraine over for breakfast. After we'd all had a bite to eat, we headed up to Bawn to visit Eamonn who I'd promised a bit of Lego building before we left.

West Cork July 2016 Lego Cable Car West Cork July 2016 Lego Cable Car
West Cork July 2016 Lego Cable Car

After managing to build a basic cable way system up there, we left there and headed past Margaret and her family to wish them our condolence, before heading back for the last bit of packing. After saying our byes, we headed up to Cork Airport, returned the car and hopped on our flight home.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -