Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2016:

There was no update from me last week as the past two weekends have been rather similar so I figured I'd condense them into a single update this week. On Friday, the one previous to last, Uns and I had tickets to see Jason Byrne at the Udderbelly Festival at the Southbank Centre. After grabbing a bite to eat and something to drink there, we headed into the venue and we landed up with front row seats, right in the middle, which ultimately resulted in me getting called up on stage to act like an idiot perform in front of the crowd, twice! I did say as soon as we sat down that I'll probably get called up, and that's exactly what happened, and as expected, Uns managed to capture it all on video :)

Udderbelly Festival 2016 Udderbelly Festival 2016
Udderbelly Festival 2016

After the show we took a stroll along the river over to London Bridge and then caught the train home. Saturday was a full on day of DIY around the garden, and Sunday we popped by the farmers market in Peckham in the morning, carried on with the DIY at home in the afternoon and then finished off with a braai that evening.

Cleaning Up the Garden 3 July 2016 Cleaning Up the Garden 3 July 2016
Peckham Rye Farmers Market Braai

Last week was busy again with DIY in the evenings and on Thursday we had organised the rubbish removal out front so at least the house entrance looks decent again. Feels like we're making decent progress now!

Front of House 7 July 2016 Before Front of House 7 July 2016 After

On Friday we had tickets again to the Udderbelly festival, this time to see Foil, Arms and Hog - an Irish trio we had heard about from both Haig and James, and we were keen to see them live. We started off with dinner at Wahaca on the Southbank, then headed off to the festival. We'd only seen a few clips of Foil, Arms and Hog online before which were all OK, but their live show really was brilliant, another Friday night of excellent comedy :) At least this time I didn't called up on stage!

Foil Arms and Hog Poster

Saturday morning was an early start with Matt and his work mate Shannon coming around to do the concrete slab for us. Will had offered been tricked into helping us for the day too. We knew it would involve a fair bit of work but landed up being a way more tiring day than expected, but at least we made good progress with the slab. Unfortunately we did run out of ballast and landed up about a metre short of finishing, but that can be done another day!

Concrete Slab 9 July 2016 Concrete Slab 9 July 2016
Concrete Slab 9 July 2016 Concrete Slab 9 July 2016 Concrete Slab 9 July 2016
Concrete Slab 9 July 2016 Concrete Slab 9 July 2016
Concrete Slab 9 July 2016 Concrete Slab 9 July 2016
Concrete Slab Braai 9 July 2016 Concrete Slab Braai 9 July 2016

On Sunday we had organised to head down to Brighton for lunch and the afternoon with Haig and Caitlin, along with Paul and Carol. After meeting up with Paul & Carol at Victoria, we headed down to Hove, briefly caught up with Haig & Caitlin at their house, and then all headed over to what used to be The Poets' Corner, and now The Poets Ale and Smoke House, for lunch. They had the tennis on in the background which was good to watch bits and pieces of that. The afternoon turned into a more boozy afternoon than planned, but a good catch up with everyone. After getting back to Victoria, Uns and myself decided to watch the Euros final somewhere there and stopped in at The Shakespeare to see Portugal take the win. We then headed home after a long day out.

Poets Corner Pub Brighton The Shakespeare Pub by Victoria Tube Station

We had taken the day off yesterday as the log cabin was been delivered so figured we'd need the day to unpack and carry everything through to the back garden. Definitely not one of the most exciting days of leave we've ever taken, but the new log cabin feels like it's getting closer to what we want... hopefully :) It just now needs to be built!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -