Posted on Monday, April 25, 2016:

On Friday evening we had invited Greg, Lee and Dan over for dinner and to play Cards Against Humanity. Well, that was the initial plan at least, but after dinner and some wine and catching up, the night had slipped away from us and was suddenly well past midnight and still hadn't gotten around to the starting the game yet. So we all decided to leave it for another time and call it a night instead.

Cards Against Humanity Dinner with Friends

On Saturday morning after a decent sleep in we got ourselves ready and headed off to Paul and Carol's place for Will's welcoming home sushi party. After Friday night I certainly wasn't in the mood for sushi at first, but as the day went on that turned into hunger and I got managed to get stuck in after all. Was a good fun afternoon there with all the jukkas (and plenty of sushi too).

Sushi Fest April 2016

Yesterday morning I headed down to Greg, Kim and the boys for lunch and the afternoon there. After grabbing a bite to eat at home, we popped over to the park for a while to let the boys run round and burn off some energy there. Once heading back from Walton-on-Thames, I grabbed dinner from Chai's Thai restaurant before making my way back home.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -