As expected, with Tommy and Sean being over in London, last week turned into an action packed and busy week, starting off with dinner at home on Monday, then Una out with them on Tuesday evening at the South Bank watching Christy Moore, and then all of us over for dinner at James and Fede's on Wednesday night. So Thursday evening, once they'd left, landed up being a very quiet and chilled evening at home, especially after a rather busy start to the week. On Friday night I stopped by The Bookclub in Shoreditch after work with a few of the guys for a couple of drinks there but called it a night fairly early, wasn't keen for much of a late one.
Yesterday we were up nice and early and into Brick Lane for the London Coffee Festival which is now held annually. We'd been once before, back in 2012 but in the evening, so this year we thought we'd try the morning slot, and as it turned out, so had everyone else! The queue when we arrived was ridiculous - starting from the The Old Truman Brewery it curled all the way around the buildings and down Commercial Street back to Nando's where we joined in. But in all fairness once the festival doors opened, it moved fairly quickly and we got in by about 09:40 - later than we should've but quicker than I expected after initially seeing that queue :) After a few coffees and a walk around, we landed up purchasing a Cafflano for ourselves for camping which we'd be keen to try out. We could've easily spent a fortune there so probably best we had a set timeslot and not all day to browse :) After the festival we stopped by Peckham Rye to get a few things, bought ourselves a betting ticket for the Grand National and then headed home to watch the race and see none of our horses win!
Last night we headed into town to The Admiralty by Trafalgar Square for Shannon and Cath's leaving party so was good catch up with them as well as AJ and Sula. This morning was a fairly early start out to South Ken to the Natural History Museum for the annual Wildlife Photography Awards which is always an excellent event which we've now attended for a good few years in a row.
The rest of this afternoon was just spent at home, chilling out and doing a bit of online shopping for a garden shed / log cabin for ourselves to replace the old one we've currently got - so hopefully get done before the summer kicks in!
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -