Thursday night myself and Uns were off to dinner at Fera at Claridge's which was one of the highest profile London restaurant openings in 2014, with Simon Rogan taking over the Claridges space vacated by Gordon Ramsay. Uns had booked the tasting menu and we were both so impressed with dinner that we'll definitely be back for their full set menu soon enough. After dinner we popped over to The Fumoir Bar for a couple of Old Fashioneds and then headed home.
On Friday after work I stopped by The Book Club with a couple of the work guys for a few evening pints and then made my way home. Una was out Saturday for brunch with the girls and I headed into Peckham to grab a few things from there and both just chilled out on Saturday night.
Yesterday we had AJ, Sula, Shannon, Cath and their twin girls around for lunch at ours. We had tried ages ago to organise lunch and never properly arranged it, so rather glad we eventually got a date sorted. Was good to see them for lunch and landed up having AJ and Sula stay on into the evening, enjoying a few rounds of Old Fashioneds for ourselves :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -