Posted on Monday, January 25, 2016:

On Friday night some of the ex work colleagues had organised a bit of a catch up at Brewdog so I headed there after work for a couple. Since it was a rather early start to the evening it also landed up also being a fairly early finish to the night, including a quick visit to the Brick Lane Beigel Bake before heading home :)

Brewdog Shoreditch Brick Lane Beigel Bake

Saturday was a rather quiet chilled out day at home and then out to Elephant and Castle that evening for a bit of ten-pin bowling with Greg, Lee, Sarah and Neal. As dodgy old-school as it was, we landed up staying on and played three games in total which was good fun. From the bowling we headed over the road and ate dinner at the Frenchie Bistro at The Artworks by Elephant & Castle.

Tenpin Bowling Elephant and Castle Jan 2016 Tenpin Bowling Elephant and Castle Jan 2016
The Frenchie Bistro Elephant and Castle

Yesterday was rather quiet and not much last night, especially with us having a really early start today. I had read online about a limited number of annual tickets to the Shard being made available this morning, so after the alarm going off at 5am, myself and Uns got ready and headed into London Bridge, picking up a couple of tickets to give us unlimited entry to the Shard for this year, which should come into good use over the next few months. After picking up the tickets, we walked across London Bridge to watch sunrise, then grabbed breakfast at Grind.

London Bridge Sunrise Jan 2016 London Bridge Sunrise Jan 2016
London Grind London Bridge

After breakfast, Uns headed back to the station to get her train out to work and I grabbed a bus up to Shoreditch. Even though it was an early start, nice to see sunrise and get some breakfast, even though I expect us to fade fairly early tonight! Hopefully we get to use the cards this coming weekend and try get up to the viewing deck of the Shard :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -