Posted on Monday, January 18, 2016:

Another year gone by and another birthday had! This year I had no idea what was planned, Uns had kept it all very quiet and only mentioned it to me Friday morning - the walk over the top of the O2 dome, followed by dinner! Awesome. So after work on Friday I headed down to Greenwich where we got kitted out into our gear and spent the good part of an hour and a half walking over the dome. I started off with fairly shaky legs, but settled in the further over we went. Really cool experience, and awesome view from the top!

Climbing the O2 Arena Climbing the O2 Arena
Climbing the O2 Arena Climbing the O2 Arena
Climbing the O2 Arena Climbing the O2 Arena

After the climb we caught the Clipper over to Embankment and walked up through Soho to Zelman Meats for dinner. They're the guys behind Goodman, Beast as well as Burger & Lobster. There were three cuts of beef on the board: picanha, chateaubriand and rib and we tried all of them and they were amazing - new favourite steak restaurant in London :) Certainly takes a lot to beat a good steak dinner!

Zelman Meats Zelman Meats

On Saturday (well technically from Thursday) was Lumiere London around town - a free light festival in 30 locations across some of the capital's most iconic areas, so we decided to meet up with Noel and Megan in town and wander around checking out the light installations. The weather had turned pretty darn cold over the last few days so there was a proper chill in the air walking around but at least it wasn't raining which would've ruined the festival for everyone I guess. After a walk from Trafalgar Square, through Piccadilly, up Regent Street, down Oxford Street and finally over to MEATliquor for dinner, despite the eventual hour and a half wait! Still worth the wait I reckon :)

Lumiere London 2016 Lumiere London 2016
Lumiere London 2016 Lumiere London 2016
Lumiere London 2016 Lumiere London 2016
Meatliquor London

Yesterday we had just planned a quieter day around the house and headed over to the Telegraph for lunch and then chilled out on the couch for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -