We arrived back from Cork last night after ten days over there for Christmas and New Years. The Wednesday we flew out turned into a later flight than expected, with a two hour delay at Stansted before we got into the air. Luckily we knew early enough and landed up chilling in Coast to Coast until the gates eventually opened, so wasn't too bad in the end. Unfortunately we did miss a night out in Cork with all the others and only got into Claire and Michael's place around half midnight.
On Thursday, Christmas Eve, we started off with breakfast at Claire and Michael and then drove down west afterwards. That evening we popped down to Noel and Megan's place for snacks and a couple of drinks with them. Then on Friday, which was Christmas, we stopped in at Anthony and Lui in the morning for a few nibbles there, followed by Christmas lunch in the afternoon at Bawn and then back up to Anthony and Lui in the evening for a night of darts and pool.
The next couple of days were fairly chilled out, took a few drives around the coast, popped by Noel and Megan's a few times, had a night out at Lil's, took a walk along Traharta Beach, down to Mary Anne's for lunch and also tried our hand at flying the drone for Declan but was probably a bit too windy for that. We've also had a storm pass by which was mad and ripped up a good bit of road near by Trag, which I took a few photos of...
On Wednesday we had decided to head up into Cork for a night out, so after driving up that afternoon we started off at Rob Roy for a drink followed by dinner at Il Padrino Restaurant, an authentic Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria and then finally back to Claire and Michael's. On Thursday, new year's eve, we headed back down west and spent the afternoon prepping our fancy dress costumes for that night. We started off in the evening at Noel and Megan's for pre-drinks, followed by a night at Mary Ann's which is always good fun!
New Year's day wasn't very eventful, except for sleeping and eating, a very lazy start to 2016 :) On Saturday we headed into Skibb for breakfast with Claire, Michael and Jack and then afterwards Uns and I popped down to Castletownshend beach for a walk to the boat house and rowing club. After our walk, Uns had arranged to meet the girls at Riverside Cafe so we stopped in there for our "girlie" lunch while Claire, Michael and Jack left and drove back up to Cork.
Yesterday, after packing up and saying our byes, we drove up to Cork and stopped in to see Jack for a bit and then got dropped off at the airport for our flight back to Heathrow, ready to kick-start 2016!
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -