Posted on Sunday, December 13, 2015:

Last Tuesday evening after work myself and Uns met up in Soho for dinner with James, Fede and another couple at Jackson and Rye who do classic American eats and cocktails. After a bite to eat there we walked over to Prince Charles Theatre to watch Die Hard - the classic Christmas movie :) On Wednesday we were out at the O2, first for dinner at Wagamama, then into the O2 to watch Mumford & Sons. I'd not seen them before and wasn't sure if I'd know many songs, but landed up recognising a few more than I thought. So a good night out!

Die Hard the Movie Prince Charles Cinema
Mumford and Sons at O2 Mumford and Sons at O2

On Thursday was our work Christmas party, so after finishing up late afternoon in the office, the few of us stopped in at Soho Works Shoreditch to check out the new office then continued down Bethnal Green Road to Resident of Paradise Row Bar & Restaurant for the remainder of the night. As always, a good night out there with everyone and had booked Friday off which made the hangover a bit more bearable!

Resident of Paradise Row Bar and Restaurant Resident of Paradise Row Bar and Restaurant
Resident of Paradise Row Bar and Restaurant

Then even after a fairly busy week, yesterday we were out again, this time at Claire and Jamie's wedding. For a change from most of our other destination weddings, theirs was at The Dickens Inn at Katherine's Docks by Tower Bridge, so was nice and close to home and a handy commute :)

The Dickens Inn Claire and Jamies Wedding
Claire and Jamies Wedding Claire and Jamies Wedding
Claire and Jamies Wedding Claire and Jamies Wedding
Claire and Jamies Wedding Claire and Jamies Wedding
Claire and Jamies Wedding Claire and Jamies Wedding

After a good fun wedding, we decided to try for a night cap at The Shard but in between the rain and miserable December weather we settled on a taxi home, followed by a very lazy and chilled out day at home today.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -