After work on Friday I headed over to Stratford and met up with Uns at Westfield. Normally a Friday night trip out to Stratford wouldn't be my idea of fun but this week was different - the Bronze final playoff between South Africa and Argentina. So after a quick bite to eat inside Westfield we headed off to the stadium and found our seats. The first half of the game looked like it could be a decent match, especially with Habana going for the world record, but after SA pulled ahead and Bryan was substituted, the game seemed to lose a bit of momentum. Still, SA won that comfortable by 24 points to their 13. We met up with Duncs and Laurie afterwards, deciding not to go out but rather keep it fairly quiet especially with the final coming up the following day.
Yesterday myself and Uns made our way into town and met up with Noel at Wagamama by Leicester Square for lunch and then walked down to Trafalgar Square to the fanzone. Unfortunately Meegs was at some all day college course so had to miss out on lunch and the final. Trafalgar Square was only set up as a fanzone for the semis and the final, so we were rather glad we were able to get there this weekend to watch a game there. After struggling through the crowds we managed to find ourselves a spot to watch the game, after which Will, Ally, Matt and Diego arrived to join us. The game looked at times like it could be a close result, until the All Blacks pulled ahead and landed up winning 34-17. So needless to say that didn't quite go as we had planned - I guess there's always Japan 2019 :) We figured we'd hang around after the match to watch the final presentation and prize giving. Once they had cut the live feed from Twickenham, the surprise act they'd promised us turned out to be Faithless which was cool, even though we watched more from a distance than up front.
By the time Faithless were playing, James was outside struggling to get in but no such luck - it was one out, none in. So we figured we'd leave and head over towards Waterloo to meet up with Lozzie and co. for her "farewell" drinks at Cubana before she goes traveling. Since we weren't able to book and reserve an area for our group, they managed to shove us down in the corner outside, the least practical solution for a group our size. Anyway, after a while there and a few hints from the bar staff that we weren't overly welcome, we decided go leave and head down to The Walrus Bar which was easier to settle in and relax at.
Today has just been a nice chilled out day at home, taking it very easy, mainly because it feels like the first Sunday we've had at home in ages with no other plans. So took it as a good opportunity to chill out in front of the TV with our feet up all day :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -