Posted on Friday, October 23, 2015:

On Wednesday night myself and Uns met up at Peckham Rye to head to the gym and with hardly any convincing at all we both managed to change our minds on the gym idea and head down towards Peckham Rye Park and over to the Gowlett for pizza. No will power at all :)

Gowlett Peckham

Then last night after work I made my way down to Clapham to meet Fisher to give him the rugby tickets which Uns had bought, and figured we'd meet up at the Northcote to start. After a couple there we moved onto The Falcon until hunger got the better of us and I suggested Steers which went down a treat. After a bite to eat there, we finished off the night back at The Falcon before splitting and both making our way home.

The Northcote Pub The Falcon Pub
Steers Clapham Junction

Well so much for a healthy week, I guess in all honesty it'll have to wait until after the Rugby World Cup - it's just not happening now! Good times though :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -