On Friday night after work I headed out to Barnes Bridge, met up with Uns and headed over to the White Hart pub where we met up with Davies and the rest of the jukkas. Sizi was in town for the weekend only, having bought tickets for himself and his brothers for the SA vs Scotland game, so he decided to pop back to the UK for just a few days. Was good to catch up with him again - we didn't hang around too long at the pub since we had a pretty full on weekend ahead of us and Davies was going to be up north for the game as well. Myself and Uns did however managed to find enough time to pop into Steers en route home :)
On Saturday morning we had an early start off to Kings Cross station to get the 10am train up to Newcastle - about three hours to get there. Well, except on this specific Saturday morning when we landed up getting massively delayed due to a wild horse running loose up and down the tracks. So because it's a wild animal they had to cut all power on the tracks, leaving us stationary for an hour just outside Newcastle. But eventually we got in, dropped our bags at the Sleeperz Hotel and headed to the fanzone which was just down from the stadium. There we met up with Davies, his brothers, Mr. Shit, Fabz and Stacey. We decided to watch the first half of the Japan vs Samoa game before making our way over to St. James Park for the SA vs Scotland game.
The game was decent, with South Africa managing a good win, scoring 34 points against their 15. Afterwards, right on the full time whistle, myself and Una left fairly quickly and rushed over to the fanzone to try guarantee ourselves entrance and a spot in front of the big screen. We met up with all the jukkas from earlier as well as Duncan and Laurie and their entourage. From there we watched the England vs Australia game which resulted in England only managing to score 13 points to the Aussie's 33. After the game the others left to find food so Uns and myself figured we'd hit up a couple of the rides which are always quite terrifying entertaining :)
Once done with the rides we went in search of Davies and eventually met up with him and his brothers at the train station where they were waiting for their coach to head back down to London. After a farewell to all of them, Uns and I decided to head back to the hotel to call it a night. Except once back at the hotel, we were welcomed by a big Scottish guy and a few South Africans in the bar and lobby area, who all convinced us to stay downstairs and join them for a few night caps there. In all honesty it didn't take much convincing and landed up staying on for a while chatting away to them all :)
Yesterday morning after breakfast downstairs in the hotel, we packed up our bags and walked up to the train station and happened to bump into the Springbok team who had just gotten dropped off by coach and were too, heading down to London on our train. Perfect timing! Since we were quite early, as were they, we managed to snap a few photos and a bit of a chat with a few of the guys!
Once we arrived back into Kings Cross we were half tempted to maybe head out to the Olympic Stadium in search of some tickets for the Ireland vs Italy game but after a fairly busy weekend already, we changed our minds and headed home to watch it from the sofa instead. Quite nice to have an afternoon and evening at home just chilling out - been a while since we've managed that and with a lot more rugby coming up, we probably won't again for a while :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -