Posted on Monday, June 23, 2014:

With the World Cup now one week in, most of the talk and evenings after work have been based around that. Other than last Saturday out in town, Uns and myself have just been watching the games at home. Then on Thursday night a few of us from work headed out to Bottega in Wapping for dinner and then watch the England vs Uruguay game which turned into a 2-1 loss for England, which basically puts them out the World Cup. Other than Andrew who legged it straight away, the rest of us stayed on at Bottega and then moved down the road to The Prospect of Whitby before calling it a night and heading home.

Bottega Wapping Bottega Wapping
The Prospect of Whitby

On Saturday it was back out with the work crowd, but this time at Goodman's in Mayfair for steak. With JP's wedding coming up in July, we figured we'd all go out for a meal so everyone could meet beforehand. There were 12 of us in total - myself & Uns, JP & Laura, Shannon & Cath, Andrew & Sula, Jason & Amy as well as Syd & Elena. After our meal we popped next door to The Masons Arms for a while, with just JP, Andrew, myself and our birds the girls left, before grabbing a taxi over to Madison Cocktail Bar by One New Change for a friend of JP and Laura's birthday. It turned out to be an awesome place to spend the summer solstice overlooking St. Paul's and the London skyline.

Goodman Madison One New Change
Madison One New Change St Pauls on the Summer Solstice
Braai at Home

Yesterday morning was a fairly early start down at the shops getting a few things for the house and lunch. John and Jane-Ann were over from Ireland for a few days so we had invited them around for lunch with their kids and since it was another lovely June afternoon/evening, a braai seemed the only real choice for lunch :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -